I am trying something a little different and posting from the iPod touch. I definitely need an iPad. 🙂 If it works out, it may mean a few more posts–at least until the newness wears off.

K is a tried and true puddle jumper. That girl knowshow to dance in the rain! (And loves to jump in the puddles!) Most kids do, I think. They aren’t thinking about getting wet or being cold or other possible discomforts or embarrassments. They are joyful and smiling and simply enjoying the ride. I realize this is a bit of a generalization, but the point is the pure and simple joy kids experience in the things many of us not only take for granted, but are downright annoyed by.

And in our annoyance regarding the inconveniences we “suffer,” we miss the joy in life. We are so busy futilely trying to stay dry that we lose sight of the fun we can have splashing in the puddles–those places where maybe a lot of raindrops have gathered, but where joy can be found in its depths.

So go on–jump in a few puddles today! But bring a change of clothes and shoes. 🙂