I opened a piece of mail addressed to “resident” this morning. Given the envelope, I expected a plea to help the hungry or purchase Bibles for a third world country. I don’t mind those letters. It takes money to make ministry happen sometimes–it is the nature of our world.

Instead, I was invited to purchase a prayer rug. Apparently, God will only hear and answer my prayers if I use this special rug to pray on. Really?!

The deal was sweetened by the fact that someone used this rug to pray $46,000 into existence. I mean who doesn’t need thousands to supplement their regular income or for an extra special something?! Sign me up!

Apparently if I do not use this spiritual rug to pray, the Lord cannot answer my prayers or reveal to me my future. As if! I think this is one of the most insulting things I have ever read. It makes me sad that some people are desperate enough to believe in a spiritual prayer rug, or they believe so wrongly about God that they think they are not good enough to approach The One who created them and loves them to the point of death on a cross.

I am confident that God can and will do what He wants–with or without a “special rug.” Seems to me this “church” is confused about who holds the power. The power of MY God–THE ONE TRUE LIVING GOD is not confined to a spiritual prayer rug–or anything else for that matter.

If you get one of those special letters, or anything like it, do not be fooled into thinking you need a special spiritual anything for God to hear you and answer. You need to believe He is who He says He is, and have an attitude of submission to His plan. Or at least a willingness to get to a point of submission–or to admit you need to be willing.

May I suggest you respond to that letter in a similar fashion to how I did? Rip it up and throw it away! Or, if you are a true Oregonian–rip it up and recycle it. I do believe in the God of redemption. But I am not convinced the paper that letter is on is worthy to be recycled. It is a good thing I am not the final judge and God is. He does not look to the object (or person) for a level of worthiness–He looks at Jesus on the cross.